Compass Marine Supply, LLC

LED Strip 24VDC, UL, 10W/M, 3W/FT-3000K, Retail $12.00 Per Meter (3.2Ft)

Flexible LED strip, UL Listed 24VDC,2835-120leds/m, 8mm wide, 35 copper PCB, gold wire LEDs 90+ Ra. 8.33mm/cut, 9.4w/m IP20 non-waterproof, 30 METER SPOOL, PRICE PER METER (For custom cuts)
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LED Strip 12/24VDC, UL, 9.4W/M, 2.9W/FT
LED Strip 12/24VDC, UL, 9.4W/M, 2.9W/FT
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